Artist statement

-Perso, Mar, Felipe, Prazeres, Juan Diego, Irupé, Amaru... Pesonaje Personaje is many names. Being one only means following the identitary colonial project. I’m a colonized entity, but I do not belong the colonial project nor His offspring.

-Personaje Personaje givees and lends her Body to entities, so that they can manifest on a aethetic-organic-material level. I don’t have a body(-ies); bodies occur to me, I occur in bodies.

-What I call travesti in a no-place and movement’s potentiality and potency. I trace and position myself as travesti, as long as it is a blurry place, unclear and foggy. If it becomes clear and asphyxiates itself, I’ll let that skin fall. I’m a travesti culebra emplumada. I’m a weed. I’m a fissure. I inhabit the no-place.

- My gender is culebra. My gender is chuquiragua. My gender is neblina del páramo. My gender is aguamala. My gender is moyuyo. My gender is ojos de Susana. If I say travesti, it’s because that is the closest to this and the closest You’ll allow me to be to Your existence matrix.

-Travestis arrive always late, even to our lives. We arrive late, but we arrive.

- The travesti experience is, by itself, a claim towards the reparation of the colonial robbery and kidnapping. The cis norm and heterosexuallity are political positions that support and maintain the colonial project. Sheer and deviate youself; do the quiebre de cadera.

- Identitary structures need to be discussed, and has to be done so that they can fall appart. Friction identities are dancing quake.

- When I speak, something speaks through me. I converse with myself and with It, when I talk: I listentalk. Textuality is an inevitable disease. Letting images talk and open space for orality is an escape route away from the Colony.

-Tenderness is radical or won’t be. If it is not, we won’t be. 

-I celebrate fury. I dance sadness. Igive voices to wounds. I radicalize tenderness, care and desire. I embody bodies.

-To subvert linear temporality is an urgent timeless hobby.

-Childhood isn’t future; it’s actual presence. Talking about childhood as innocence y purity is
stripping away guaguas fron any possibility of value, autonomy and agency. Besides that, it means isolating them from their needs, neglecting them and exposing them to violence. I’m interested in childhood; not in education nor pedagogy. This two categories have been captured by institutions. I’m interested in working at the gaps this archaic and rigid structures cannot reach.

-I’m a failure as a Man and as a Woman too. I celebrate the realm of existence that arised from that failure.

-There’s no aesthetics without ethics.

-If I work for the suco-desabrido Devil(s), it is for stealing him the flames for the bonfires that keep us warm during and against his winters and that helps us cook what sustains our lives in the future(s).